If you have any questions about the item, or if you don't find what you need, please. This part is the brand new, directly from factory (not Chinese replacement or refurbished as other sellers have for the same price), 100% suitable and original. To make your purchase as simple and easy as possible, please refer to the store policy below. After winning an auction point or an immediate purchase made, you have two starting options.
Even though our list has said that the part adapts especially to make years and model of car, we do not give any guarantee that this part will fit your car, due to various vehicle modifications. We give the guarantee that after checking the installation by number of wine (frame number) of your car. Installation guarantee is valid for accident-free vehicles or for vehicles that were fixed/repaired by official dealership. Please contact us if you need the goods to ship to a different address.
In case we ship your item to your old or invalid address and return it as unclaimed or incorrect address, we will refund you only for the item. We can also ship the package again to a correct address, but only if you cover the post service fee. Most packages are sent with tracking number and require signature at reception. Number tracking start working within 24 hours, after sending the item. You can also contact us if you have any questions or need help. Sometimes packages can be delivered with delays, due to public holidays or because of the overload of postal service or certain other circumstances that we cannot affect.If there is no problem with delivery or packaging is not delivered in time, please contact us and we will help you solve the problem. The file will be sent only after payment has been cleared and verified. Upon purchase, you accept our return & payment & postage policy. Please leave us a positive 5 star ratings if you are satisfied with the item you received. Automatically leave us a positive feedback to all our buyers after they buy in our shop.
If you have any concerns or not satisfied with point or our service, please do not leave negative or neutral feedback, just contact us and we will find a solution to the problem! We accept returns within 30 days of shipping in form.
Before returning the package please contact us. The article must be returned in an unused ztat. The part must be returned to its original state and not mounted. We process refund immediately after being and verification of the returned goods. Item must be well packed to avoid damage.
If we receive the agenda and it is not in the same condition as you have been sent or damaged, return will not be accepted and no refund will be issued. If the item arrived damaged, as proof, that you must provide us with photos with the package of. Items that have been tampered with or damaged during assembly will not be reimbursed.
Get fast and reliable delivery. This item is in the category "auto, motorcycle - parts, accessories\ auto: parts and accessories\ exterior: parts and accessories\ other". The seller is "carsoemparts_en" and is located in this country: lt. This item can be shipped to the following countries: america, europe, asie.